Matt Kamine
Co-Founder and Chief Development Officer of KDC Ag
Matthew Kamine is a Co-Founder and Chief Development Officer of KDC Sustainable Infrastructure and KDC Agribusiness. KDC’s focus is utilizing infrastructure projects to make society more efficient and sustainable. KDC has developed, owned, and operated close to $4 billion infrastructure projects (power, telecom, solar, agriculture) since the 1980s. Matthew leads the infrastructure development team, where he coordinates development, engineering, permitting, and construction of the different businesses at KDC. His focus is on facilitating a seamless integration between the project development, operations, and finance teams. Matthew, along with his family, are impact investors focused on new sustainable technologies that can be then scaled using the strengths of the team at KDC. Matthew graduated with a B.A. in Engineering and minor in Economics from Lafayette College.